29 November 2010


miss so muchh kat kwan yg dahh x berr nama kawan.. huhh.. ;(
harap2 dy ber ada dalam kadaan sihat walafiat..
aku mendoa kan kebahagiaan ber pihakk pada dia..

geli laa sehh..

tadi masa nak balekk drp jusco,ter serempakk dgn skumpulan ;pelajar U yg x berr pelajaran.. KNP?? hmm.. msti korg pelikk kan knp plakk student U x ber pelajaran,dahh sah2 bdakk U msti pndai kan.. hal ini di sebab kan oleh, mereka tidakk mengguna kan otakk yg waras yg mereka ada..justeru, mereka menonjol kan dgann jelas nya kebodohan dan kebingaian mereka..(HAHAa bodo ann.. ayat taa ley blarr..).. ada ke patot dyorg msing2 jln dgn couple msing2 then.. pgg tgn.. tuu ok ag aw.. ade yg betina tu.. blh cium2 tgn pakwa dy eay mse tgh jlan..! bpakk! bengang siall aku tgkk.. dahh laa pkai tdung..pgai mcm kima'akK! bdoh gila sehh.. mcm xtawu malu lakk. sriess geli gila bapakk..! memag mlut aku myumpah2 jela pomp2 tadi ann.. aku yg tengokk , aku lakk yg malu.. huhh.. bialahh dyorg,klaw aku blh tego, aku dah tego dahh attitude dyorg.. tapi siapa lahh aku ini..  haha,, korg2 jgan wat cmtu aww dpn pblic.. wat malu bangsa negara dan agama je.. mcm tu ke prangai student U??memalu kann sugguhh..! keyhh.. aku daa pnt tuliss.. BYE!!

11 November 2010

fucker damn!

salam,disini saya ingin memberi khabar baik untuk saya dan insyaallah,baik juga utk anda..(tapi rase nye takkkott) mcm ni cite dy,time tu hari ape eakk..mmmm..slase kott tahh laa takk egat sgt arr..mse tu tga wat revision subject PA,pastu,kak ros masok klas bgtawu yg pom gila tuu nakk brambossSS! bpakk dy,aku tny aa sape yg naa pinda??(konon2 takktawu arr..)ala aku tawu..L***  org nye.. gila arh,aku hepy gila bleh arkk!aku daa dpat byg kan taon dpan aku dahh takk terrpaksa terrpndg mke dy lagi.. daa laa pndg mke dy mcm sial,pending memanjang!!mcm bodo pon ade.. tapi wutever.. eh!kesian gila la wey pom tuu an,da mcm org asing dlm klas,takk pena ade yg nakk lyn dy dlm klas..dlam klas duduk sorg2 wat al cmpo pon n patel.eiiyerkKK!! ini semua patot laa dy terima sebab dy tuu hipokrit..tunjukk baikk dpan org,tapi hakikat nye ........tetttTT!! ade ke patot ade 1 mase tu dy g ckap kat ckgu yg dy daa maf kann aku laa pela.. bla..bla..bla..mcm buatan gila tawu ark!takk saket lakk hati aku..kalau korg nakk tawu,permusuhan diantara kitaorg memg 100% laa wey punca dy..daa la gembeng,buatan,kekwat,n mcm2 lg lah..kalau sebakul pon takk habiss aku nakk cerita pasal prgai dy..masaalah nye an,masalah ny blh setel lame aw,tapi di sebab kann haram jadah yg melekat dlm diri dy tu,wat masaalah ny xselesai..mane takk nye,dy takk ngaku lgsong ape yg dy ckap katt org pasal aku n mem2 aku..mcm bodo gila arhh!!eii mcm mlas nakk tuliss pasal pom x guna tuu,wat sakit hati kann?actually banyk gila story pasal bnde nie,yg wat idop aku jadi sial disebab kann pom siall tuu..haa mag layakk laa kann pom sial bwak sial katt aku,pastu, terrrmelekat siAL dy kat aku..tapi jgn isau lepas nie,daa takk de pomp sial tuu dlm hidup aku..sbab dy nakk blarr an..true story hnya aku n dak klas aku yg tertentu j tawu..nie jer kott,yg penting aku hepy gila2 dy nakk berrambossSS!haha..chaw lancau arr **tine..

02 November 2010

fes day berBLOGGING

I am thinking of you
In my sleepless solitude tonight
If it’s wrong to love you
Then my heart just won’t let me right
Cause I’ve drowned in you
And I won’t pull through
Without you by my side
I’d give my all to have
Just one more night with you
I’d risk my life to feel
Your body next to mine
Cause I can’t go on
Living in the memory of our song
I’d give my all for your love tonight
Baby can you feel me
Imagining I’m looking in your eyes
I can see you clearly
Vividly emblazoned in my mind
And yet you’re so far
Like a distant star
I’m wishing on tonight
I’d give my all to have
Just one more night with you
I’d risk my life to feel
Your body next to mine
Cause I can’t go on
Living in the memory of our song
I’d give my all for your love tonight
I’d give my all to have
Just one more night with you
I’d risk my life to feel
Your body next to mine
Cause I can’t go on
Living in the memory of our song
I’d give my all for your love tonight
Give my all for your love